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Brighton & Hove Property News

Welcome to Brighton and Hove Property News

We are a free and accessible information service for landlords and tenants.

Run by leading local independent lettings agent, Steve Chipp, of Town & Country Property Services, we strive to keep everyone up to speed with all latest developments, both regionally and nationally.

From legal updates to tips for new landlords – and advice and guidance for tenants – we provide the news as it breaks.

Latest News

Shaking Up the Rental System –   Chance to Have Your Say!

Shaking Up the Rental System – Chance to Have Your Say!

What do you know about Government proposals to reform the private rental system?
Fairly sweeping changes – impacting landlords and tenants alike – were first outlined in the Tories’ 2019 Election Manifesto but inevitably Covid-19 put everything on hold.

Brighton Rocks!

Brighton Rocks!

Brighton remains the most profitable buy-to-let location in the UK for the second year running, according to CIA Landlords’ recent research published earlier this year.

Our seaside town beat major cities such as London to take the top spot with landlords reportedly making average monthly profits of £570.

Have you got an EICR?

Have you got an EICR?

Since April 1st, all private landlords in England are required by law to carry out safety checks on electrical installations in rented properties, using a qualified and certified electrician.

We all know the risks of dodgy electrical installations, including shocks and even fire.

Giving Notice

Giving Notice

“How do I give notice to my tenants in a fair and even-handed way?”

That’s a question I often get asked and it’s become more complicated during the pandemic.

Living together!

Living together!

“You don’t know somebody until you live with them!”

The old saying is very true yet joint letting arrangements are still very popular – particularly in fashionable areas such as Brighton and Hove.

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